Shonen Hollywood - Holly Stage for 49 DVD Complete Edition

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Number of Discs : 2 DVD
Episodes : 1 - 13 End 
Dialogue / Language : Japanese 
Subtitles : English (On/Off)
Regions Coding : All code, Region Free

Thank you Shonen Hollywood. Thank you for giving us pretty boys dancing in unison and singing terrible songs. Thank you for giving us an idol-group producer who speaks solely in cryptic pseudo-inspirational speeches. Thank you for giving us a main character who is actually defined by his empty soul and total lack of personality. Thank you for writing cruelly stupid introductions for each band member and then spending the middle third of the episode having them practice each and every one, with crypto-garbage commentary on each from the producer. Thank you for giving us a production assistant with a bouffant pompadour and a speech style that's the Japanese equivalent of a flaming lisp.
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